
Founder of
Designer's of India

With several successful initiatives such as the Shrusshti Designing Studio and SDS the successful jewellery brand under her belt, she is known in the jewellery designers’ community globally.

Her latest venture is a Designers of India that was set up with the intent to offer gifted Designers a platform to show their styles, verve, and Indian jewellery designs creating opportunities for expansion. She aims to create a niche Designers market that aids business growth and brand promotions.

story of SHRUSSHTI Sharma

It is often said that you need to be in the other person’s shoes to feel his true emotions. This is exactly what happened to me too!
Being passionate about jewelry since childhood, it was natural for me to pursue jewelry designing as my career. After finishing my B.Com, I studied to become a certified jewelry designer.


I began working as an assistant to Mr. Bhattacharya, the product manager with Gold Star Jewels. This was where I learnt the practical nuance of the field and that learning has since remained with me.

I started an independent Brand named Shrusshti Designing Studio (SDS) as a solo Entrepreneur Designer. The response was so good that a new idea took root in my mind.

I began training the younger lot of designers and teaching them what I had learnt. I even researched and curated a syllabus that not only gave the theoretical perspective to the students but also involved practical learning as well about the industry.


With two successful ventures under my belt, I realized that while most of my students were doing wonderful in their respective careers and organizations, none had their own brands. I began working on this subject

Finally after four years of detailed study, I started with the Designers of India (DoI) initiative. DoI’s sole purpose is to train and support young & budding jewelry designers in all aspects of brand creation of their own. At DoI, we help them to get event, exibition, jewellery sells brand building, marketing etc. to help them create their own brand. Our aim is to let a thousand roses bloom and create master brands from India which can compete on an international level.

I firmly believe that knowledge grows when it is shared. Hence I feel that it is important for me to share my knowledge with the next generation of designers. On the personal front, I am a wife and mother of two.
Thus even after 17 long years in the industry, I still feel that the journey has just begun and there are miles to go for me before I sleep.


DOI is a designer trade alliance devoted to professional excellence in jewelry brand growth and design. Tapping into the joint power of our resources, DOI members find the expertise, networks, and support needed to maintain quality, reach new customers, expand their reach, and become well known jewellery brands.



She aims to create a niche Designers market that aids business growth and brand promotions.

DOI – the Gateway to an internationally successful and sustainable Jewelry Brand!